Moving to Montreal

Undoubtedly, as a newcomer, many problems are unfamiliar to you and you will experience a lot of stress. Inno link Canada assures you that they will be by your side until your setteling down and will give you all the necessary advice.

According to the experience we have in this field, we have planned all your steps from your arrival at the airport until you are well seated, so that our steps are stress-free and pleasant.

As a newcomer to a new society, there are many initial tasks that need to be completed.

Below is the list and description of each step.


Moving tips

Duration: 1 hour

During this consultation, your main needs will be examined. For example: what type of property do you want or what neighborhoods do you want live in.

Following the review of your requests, our team has started working so that we can finalize everything before your arrival.

During the consultation, the general rules of Canada that a newcomer should know are discussed, and all entry and airport rules are explained to you.

At the end of the consultation, you can ask your questions so that you can make the necessary plans to arrive.

Airport pick-up

Duration: 2 hours

Before your flight, the airport map will be sent to you, and the map will tell you which way to exit and which steps you will take along the way. For example, if you are going to pass the immigration office when entering the border, or if a baggage inspection is required, what points must be observed.

After picking you up from the airport, we will take you to the accommodation that has already been arranged.

Official services

The most important things to do after you arrive are the paperwork.

Administrative steps have more priority than other steps because some steps and documents take time, so it is better to do them at the beginning.

Administrative work such as:

  • Opening a bank account
  • Obtain a social insurance number
  • Apply for a health insurance card (for work permit and permanent residence)
  • Canadian driver’s license

For each of these elements, the necessary information will be given to you during your request, so that you know how to use it, maintain it and renew it and that you have no problem in the future.

Basic services

After doing the administrative services, we can do the basic services. Basic services include:

  • Receive a SIM card
  • Receive the opus card
  • Receive a Costco card (if required)
  • How to buy groceries and chain stores
  • Restaurants around the place of residence
  • City guide and city tours
  • Guide for Montreal neighborhoods for living


Find a house

Up to a maximum of 10 visits

According to the surveys and your requests, homes will be found in the neighborhoods you want, and we will visit these homes by prior appointment.

When visiting your selected and liked homes, we will list the homes you choose and visit the neighborhood and its surroundings so that you can know this neighborhood better.

After choosing the desired home, the owner will receive a rental offer, and after signing the rental agreement with the owner, the key will be given to you.

During the contract, all the house maintenance, rent and lease rules will be explained to you so that if you wish to renew or end the lease, you are aware of all its rules.

Family management advice

Duration: 1 hour

In this package, you are provided with 1 hour of consultation time, during which you can get advice on how to manage the family in a new society.

As a newcomer, there may be a big cultural difference between your country and Canada, and this difference may affect you or your children in particular. Because the children are studying in a Canadian culture school and the new environment may affect them, so an experienced consultant will give you useful advice in this matter.


Buy a property

After choosing a month to live in Quebec, you may be thinking of buying a property. Our experts will check all your conditions and guide you to buy the property and its advantages so that you can easily find your dream home.

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Moving to Montreal

  • +1 (514) 424-7014
  • 1375 Rue de l'Église, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 2H1, Canada