Signature in front of officer of assermentation guide

Confirmation of signature of the letter (Affidavit)

Your file requires an Affidavit letter (a signed letter). Note that the letter alone will not suffice with your signature and thus is of no value to the Immigration Office.

The steps are as follows: You must sign the letter in the presence of an officer called the Officer of Assermentation / Commissioner for Oaths. The contents of the signed letters are not important to the officer and only the officer confirms the identity of the person who signed the letter.

The names of this action in English and French are as follows:

French name: Lettre signée devant un commissaire à l’asermentation

English name: Letter signed before a commissioner for oaths


To do this signature, you must do the following steps:

  • Print the attached letter.
  • With the help of the list below, find the centers that have an Assermentation officer, according to the address, and contact them.
  • Contact them, and check the conditions, required documents, cost, address, date and time of visit.
  • Refer to the desired address on the coordinated date.
  • Sign your letter by presenting your ID card in the presence of this officer.
  • Then scan the signed letter.
  • Send us a scanned letter signed by you and stamped by the officer.


How to find an Officer of Assermentation:

Many officers now do this in their own home or workplace, and you can make an appointment to visit their workplace or home and sign and approve the letter.

By referring to the following link, you can see the list of officers and take action to make an appointment.

How much does it cost:

  • In some cases, officers do not charge a fee or charge a small fee of about $ 5 to $ 20.
  • Before sign the letter you can ask the officer hoe much they charge and what is the method of payment.

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