CNESST is an institution established by the Government of Quebec and is equivalent to the Office of Labor. This means that all companies in Quebec must register their information with the agency and state how many employees they have.
The purpose of this organization is to monitor the relationship between employees and employers, and create a good and healthy work environment for employees.
The information that the company owner provide to the CNESST office is very important. This information is important for your immigration file and is important for renewing and applying for PR. CNESST must be notified when a change is made to the company’s infrastructure, such as:
- Change the name of the company
- Change the address of the company
- Change of directors or shareholders of the company
- Change the number of employees
- Other
An invoice is sent to your company by CNESST on a monthly basis, which lists the costs of the CNESST office. Company owners and employers are required to pay these amounts on a monthly basis.
The contact information of CNESST office is provided to you and in case of any problem or change in the company, you can contact this office and inform this office.
Another way to contact this office is online, but the best way to communicate is by phone. Note that French is usually spoken in Quebec offices and in some cases English is available, but it is recommended that someone with full knowledge of French contact this office.
More information about this office is provided at the end of this PDF.
Have all NEQ documents and numbers and other information available when you call
Contact information for CNESST:

Service de la gestion des masses salariales
Direction de la cotisation des employeurs
Direction générale des opérations en financement
Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
1600, av. D’Estimauville, 3e étage secteur 4
Québec (Québec) G1J 0H7
418 266-4809, 5829
Votre porte d’entrée unique pour les services en matière de travail