SIN Number

The Canadian National Number (SIN) is a unique 9-digit number assigned to each person. This number is used to identify people who work in Canada and people who need to take advantage of Canadian government benefits and services. All newcomers to Canada are required to request this number. There is no charge for receiving this card. Note that presenting this card to others may disclose your identity information

If you are in Canada on a work visa, the first digit starts with 9 and is listed at the bottom of the credit card, which you must renew before it expires.

Apply for SIN Number

  • Fill out the SIN application form
  • Prepare one of the documents listed below,
  • Complete the form and submit your document to the nearest Service Canada Center in Canada or
  • (Human Resources Development Canada Center).

Required Documents:

  • Study permit or work permit
  • Permanent residence card or proof of permanent residence
  • Passport
  • Lease

Security tip:

Some people or business owners may ask you for your SIN number, note that this is not legal and is strictly forbidden.

Each SIN number is issued exclusively to a specific person and its use by other persons is illegal. Your SIN number is confidential and you are responsible for protecting and preventing its unusual use, counterfeiting or theft. It is recommended that you do not carry your SIN with you and keep it in a safe place.

Use cases of SIN Number:

  • Starting a new job
  • Fill in the income tax form
  • Applying for government benefits (such as employment insurance or tax benefits for children)
  • Applying for a student loan in Canada

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  • 1375 Rue de l'Église, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 2H1, Canada