Declaration Card

Canada, like many other countries, has its own rules for entering and importing special items that you, as someone who wants to live in this country, must respect and obey all the rules.

When you are on a flight to Canada, you will be given a flight form by the flight attendant.

In this form, the questions that are asked of you must be answered accurately and honestly.

When you fill in the entry form, keep it with you and hand it over to the officer when you enter.

This form has 2 sections:

  1. The left part which is a guide that has been prepared for you to explain the different parts of the form if needed and can be separated.
  2. The section on the right is the section that you need to complete, and you must separate and submit this section when submitting the form to the officer.

This card is prepared from several parts, the description of which you can read below.

Canadian Government e-Card Pilot Project the Canadian Government has recently launched a pilot project under which you will complete the card electronically at Canadian entrances. This card is exactly like the paper version and you complete the card when you arrive in Canada at the airport using the computers provided.

Sections of the entry form (Section A)

Identity information:

In this section, the identity information of family members living at the same address must be written in order.

First the last name must be written, then the first name, then the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the last name must be written. (Names must be in accordance with the passports)

Then in the next line, the date of birth should be written in AD and which country you are a citizen of.

Residence address in the country of origin:

When you write the basic information, you must write the address of your place of residence in the country of origin (Iran).

How to write the address: In the first square, you should write the house number, street and then the unit number, respectively.

Then you enter the city, then the province, then the country, and finally the postal code.

How to enter Canada:

After entering the address, you must select the desired option. How did you enter Canada? For example, if you travel by plane, you must select the Air option and then write your flight number.

Purpose of the trip:

After that, you must specify the purpose of your trip, whether you are entering the country as a student or Personal or business.

Country of origin:

In the next section, you will be asked where you came from in Canada, which has three options:

  • US only: Select this option if you are entering from the US.
  • Direct from other countries: Select this option if you are coming from countries other than the United States.
  • Other countries from the United States: If you entered the United States from other countries and then entered Canada, you must select this option.

Questions section:

In this section, you will be asked questions that you must answer with yes or no. It is very important to answer these questions. The questions are as follows:

  • Question 1:

Do you have a gun with you?

  • Question 2:

Do you carry commercial goods with you? (Tools, equipment, spare parts, sample goods and…

  • Question 3:

If you have these foods with you right now, you should answer yes to this question.

Meat and animal products, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, flowers, plants and animals or parts thereof (eg large flowers), flowers, soil, wood and wood products, birds, insects

  • Question 4:

Do you carry more than $ 10,000?

  • Question 5:

Do you have a cargo that did not arrive on the same flight that you came to Canada and arrives in Canada on other flights? (This actually means that part of your luggage is on another flight.)

  • Question 6:

I’ve visited a farm in Canada or I plan to visit

Part B: Visitors to Canada

If this is your first time entering Canada, you will need to fill out this part, which asks you how long you are going to stay in Canada, you can write the remaining days of your visa validity.

In the next section, you will be asked if you have purchased more than allowed in Duty Free stores.

Part C: Resident of Canada

This section is for people who live in Canada and are not the first time that they are entering Canada.

In this section, the question is asked, did you bring too much permissible items such as goods, souvenirs and cash?

If the answer is yes, you should explain that in the order of the people you entered in section A, you should write the date of leaving Canada and then enter the value of the goods, souvenirs or cash in Canadian dollars.

Part D: Signatures

In this section, in the order in which you entered the people in section A, each person must sign the desired number in front. This signature is only for people 16 years and older.

After signing, you must enter the date.

Keep this card with you and you must deliver it after entering the border officer.

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  • +1 (514) 424-7014
  • 1375 Rue de l'Église, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 2H1, Canada