An assessment of the property is given in the form Declarations by the Seller of the Immovable. The seller declares on this form, in good faith and to the best of his knowledge, any information he is aware of about the state of his property. You may use this form to help you decide on your purchase wisely. When the seller transacts business with a broker, it is used automatically. If not, your broker may add a requirement that the seller submit this document to your Promise to Purchase.
You may find all the information you want about the property on the form Declarations by the Seller of the Immovable, which includes:
- Year of construction and year of purchase of the property;
- Current mortgage status;
- Servitudes;
- Any water damage that occurred in the past;
- Soil contamination;
- Presence of ochre or pyrite deposits;
- Condition of the roof, plumbing, heating;
- Any repair or renovation work done, with documentation if possible.

This form is a useful tool to assist your broker fulfill his verification duty and identify any elements that can influence the transaction. Your broker is required to let you know if he has any doubts about any aspect of the transaction when evaluating this form and doing the relevant checks. He could also suggest that you include additional terms in your promise to buy (e.g. a soil test if there are signs of contamination).
The seller’s declaration is considered a CV of the building.