Time difference

The business hours of INNO Visa Canada are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Montreal time
  • For questions related to the application, how to answer the form, contract, technical issues, etc., send a message on WhatsApp during business hours with the following number.

001 (514) 424 – 7014

  • For start-ups and businesses, specialized questions and submissions sent a message WhatsApp during business hours with the following number.

001 (514) 833 – 4335

  • In the link below you can search your country and see the time zone


  • Canada’s official holidays in 2021 and 2022 are as follows:
Occasion Date
Labour Day Mon., Sep. 6, 2021
Thanksgiving Mon., Oct. 11, 2021
Christmas Day Mon., Dec. 27, 2021
New Year’s Day Mon., Jan. 3, 2022
Good Friday Fri., Apr. 15, 2022
Easter Monday Mon., Apr. 18, 2022
National Patriots’ Day Mon., May 23, 2022
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Fri., Jun. 24, 2022
Canada Day Fri., Jul. 1, 2022
Labour Day Mon., Sep. 5, 2022
Thanksgiving Mon., Oct. 10, 2022
Christmas Day Mon., Dec. 26, 2022
New Year Holiday Dec, 25, 2021 to jan, 2, 2022

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  • +1 (514) 424-7014
  • info@innolinkcanada.com
  • 1375 Rue de l'Église, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 2H1, Canada