Change study place to Quebec

Conditions for changing place of study to Quebec Province:

You must study for at least one semester at the university or college where you registered and got a visa, and then you can change your place of study to the province of Quebec.

Since it is necessary to know French and pass the oral exam in Quebec province, all those who are students and want to take up permanent residence they must be fluent in French and pass the relevant exam after to spend their education in the province.

Another point is the issue of obtaining a CAQ in the province of Quebec.

CAQ – A study permit in the province of Quebec is for this province only, and students coming from other provinces to Montreal or other cities in Quebec are required to apply for a CAQ.

A very important condition is that there is no gap between the semesters of study, that the student is always studying, and that he maintains the level and degree of education that he had outside the province of Quebec.

For example, a person who goes to university outside of Quebec and in the province of Ontario, it is better for the province of Quebec to apply for university and not apply for a lower level, because then he may not agree with his CAQ because his level of education Brought lower.

University-to-college: Because college ends faster, many people want to graduate from college instead of college and graduate faster, but if in a province that does not have this permit, they can not do that.

The next point after graduation and permanent residence is that there are free French language classes in the province of Quebec. Many people who do not want to learn French they do not want to stay in Quebec.

The issue of postgraduate residency is very important because each province has its own rules for postgraduate residency and there is a French language requirement in the province of Quebec.


  • After graduation you will need knowledge of French.
  • You must study for one semester at the university or college with which you obtained your visa.
  • There should be no interruption between your studies.
  • You must maintain the same level of education you have outside of Quebec.

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  • +1 (514) 424-7014
  • 1375 Rue de l'Église, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 2H1, Canada